Frequently asked questions
If your question isn't answered, please just send me a message.
How will i receive the games?
All products are digital downloads.
You'll be emailed a download link - this link is active for 30 days.
If you don't download your games before the link expires, message me, and I'll resend them.

do you ship out physical copies?
No, sorry! The shipping costs wouldn't be worth it for anyone!
do you issue refunds?
Given the nature of digital downloads, I don't issue refunds.
I do, however, try and help with any issues!
are the products studio licensed?
Yup! You're free to use the games with all your students.
You can even send a copy home with students to play with their families!
I only ask that you don't resell the games to your students. Please direct them to the site if you'd like them to purchase their own copy.
do games include American terminology?
They do! Games include both English and American terminologies.
what's the difference between being a subscriber and being a member?
Subscribers receive regular emails from me with new games, freebies, offers, and giveaways.
Subscribers also get access to the Freebies Vault.
Members collect points - 1 point per £1 spent. When you have 10 points, you get 10% off your next order.
Members do not receive regular emails. Members do not receive access to the Freebies Vault.